How to Blog

This is a post about how to blog, how to start a blog, how to run a blog, how to be a blogger. Some of us have the desire to start blogging, but just don’t know where to start or how to stay consistent.

This is NOT where I come in. 😅 Please be aware, this post is mainly for entertainment purposes. And probably just my own entertainment at that, since I do not blog consistently nor intentionally, and therefore my blog remains hidden in the depths of the internet unseen by basically the entire world.

But anyway… keep reading for some DOs and DON’Ts to keep in mind when blogging.

Continue reading “How to Blog”

Letting Go

Why should I let go?
It’s not that I want to
It’s that the feelings are stronger
Than I’d care to admit
And it’s easier to let them float away with the wind
Than to let them soak in the waters that were created by the tears that I’ve cried while waiting for a solid sign
The earth that I stand on quivers and shakes with every thought
And every sigh
The fire…it
It’s not that I want to let go
But that it feels like the only way out of this…insanity
Do I feel ashamed that I can give and give
Without condition
With full submission?
No. Not at all.
But logic will tell me that it makes no sense
That I should give up feeling what is just pretend
Just a daydream
Just a fantasy
But then again
It would take just one move
One word
One look
And logic walks right out the door
As I let you back in
And the entire cycle begins again
So do I let go
And then it’s gone for good?
Or keep holding on
Until I’m gone?


No one could tell that there was any friction in her
That she would ignite the first spark all on her own
That she would run with it
Spreading a fire in all directions
No one could blame her either
She was full of energy that could no longer be contained
She would no longer be swept away
But instead, be the one to fan the flames


I know it looks like an oasis
But it’s actually
A full on paradise
The kind you only see in movies and in dreams
And hallucinations
No, it’s not your imagination
It’s an actual representation
Of what I have available for you
And only you
Won’t you see the truth and not the mirage
You’ll love it even more
Once you see what’s in store

A puzzle completed

I started whole


One big, unaltered piece

Never lost

Always in place

Until cuts were made

Sharp and deep

Until there were many pieces

And then many more

And more

Until it was too much to keep up with

And I dropped pieces everywhere I’d go

Sometimes I would miss them

Sometimes I’d forget about them

Sometimes I’d feel incomplete

Sometimes I’d try to fill the spaces with things that didn’t fit

I tried to make the wrong pieces fit

I tried to use pieces from other puzzles

I tried to enlarge the pieces I did have

Hoping they’d fill in the empty spaces

Nothing seemed to work

Or worked only temporarily

But it’s okay

I make it work

An incomplete picture can still be art

I am still art

I decide if I’m complete

18 Questions to Ask Yourself

So every once in while, you might get the feeling that you’re stuck in a rut, monotony, a cycle of doom, or whatever else you might call it. It’s important to really check in with yourself, mentally and emotionally, so that you can figure out a way to move forward in life. If you’re finding it a bit difficult to get the ball rolling, it’s helpful to have a list of questions to ask yourself, to get to know yourself, your needs, your desires, a little better.

Here are 18 questions that I often consider whenever I’m going through one of those “I’m stuck, poor me” moods!

Questions to ask yourself

  1. Do I enjoy my daily activities? 
  2. Do I like my current job?
  3. Do I prefer to work for a company, or do I want to run my own business?
  4. If I had to listen to my friends speak frankly about me, would I like what they have to say about me?
  5. What are my top 3 positive personality traits?
  6. What are my top 3 negative personality traits?
  7. What am I insecure about?
  8. Do I feel energized after spending time with the people who are around me the most? Or do I usually feel drained?
  9. Do I feel confident when talking to someone new about my work, career, accomplishments, etc.?
  10. Do I prefer to have a structured schedule, or to just go with the flow? 
  11. Do I prefer being indoors, or being outdoors?
  12. Do I like working on my own? Or do I prefer to work in a team?
  13. Do I feel like I can express myself as freely as I’d like to?
  14. Is there a certain way I typically handle conflict with other people? Does it actually help, or often make things worse?
  15. Do I have any habits I want to quit?
  16. Do I feel comfortable at home?
  17. Do I tend to hold onto things for a long time “just in case”, or do I let go of things I have no need for?
  18. When I see someone doing something I’ve wanted to do, do I feel genuinely happy for them? Or do I feel jealous?

There are so many more questions I sometimes ask myself, but we’re not going to turn this post into a whole novel. Ha ha. What are some questions you consider when you’re feeling like it’s time for a change in your life? Let me know! 💖

Unsending Messages

Unsent a message
Just as soon as you sent it
But I took a screen shot of the notification
A mouthful about nothing if you had to unsend it
A whole paragraph about things you’ve been feeling
Just to take it all back
To make me think that I’m seeing things
If it isn’t there now, did it never exist?
Typing, typing
Well, just say what you have to say
Or don’t bother at all
What’s the difference if you’re scared and always “unsending” your feelings?
Alright, let me say something, for a change:
I’m not sitting around waiting, so if you want something, express it.
Don’t take it back shyly. It’s not cute or appealing.
I like…

Hit Send!

Okay, wait… did I really just send that?

How To Get Out of Your Head

From time to time, I go through phases where I seem to be all up in my head. There have been many times where overthinking keeps me from taking action on things that I know I will enjoy doing or even things I know I need to do. This even happens when it comes to things I know I can take care of with my eyes closed! But acknowledging this flaw helps me to overcome it by always looking for ways to get out of my head. I thought I’d share some of the things I do to get out of my head, in case anyone may be struggling with overthinking, and therefore not taking actions!

  1. Write down your thoughts
  2. Make a list of what you need to do to accomplish the task at hand
  3. Promise yourself a specific reward for taking action
  4. Start with one small step
  5. Keep things as simple as possible
  6. Talk things over with someone you trust
  7. Ask for help if you need it
  8. Remind yourself why you made this task a priority in the first place
  9. Imagine how it will feel when you’ve taken action
  10. Just do it!

My favorite one is #10: Just do it! Not to copy from the well-known athletic wear company that carries the slogan, but it’s just short, simple and to the point! Sometimes, you really need to just stop hesitating, throw caution to the wind a little, and just do it! Whatever “it” is! Done is usually better than perfect. And perfect is nearly impossible. So might as well just do it!

Your turn, as I’m always looking for tips! What are some things you do or ways you get out of your head and out of your own way?

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