Holiday Music! πŸŽ„πŸŽΆ

On the second day of Blogmas, Lola M Kelly gave to me…πŸŽ™πŸŽΌπŸ’Ώ

*Sings way off key*

Okay, but seriously, here is a playlist I just created to help start the holiday mood! A little bit of blues, a little bit of Motown! I’ll make another playlist soon with more modern Christmas covers/originals!

Lola M Kelly: Holiday Mood (on YouTube Music)

What songs would you add? What are some absolutely must-listen-to songs on your holiday playlists? Share with me, please! 😍

Hidden Gem in St. Pete, Florida

Today, I found myself surrounded by over 200 species of palm trees, at Gizella Kopsick Palm Arboretum, St. Petersburg, Florida. Enjoy the pics, and take a trip to stroll through the park if you can! 😊

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